Warehouse Design & Automation

Designing world class storage facilities that exemplate operational excellence

Stellium’s Facility Design services cover a gamut of offerings ranging from framing of the corporate warehousing strategy to designing and implementing warehouses, storage yards, project yards, hubs, inplant logistic facilities, cargo terminals, dry docks to name a few. The services offered to encompass the complexities of material flow, process design, infrastructure design and information flow around design or re-engineering of:

  • Storage Facilities
  • Cargo Terminals
  • Project Yards
  • Multi Modal Transportation Hubs
  • Facility Audits and Benchmarking
  • Conceptualization and Design validation for different storage and logistics facilities
  • Process Re-engineering for Productivity Improvement
  • Cost Reduction and Process Streamlining
  • Automation and Project Management

The activities performed includes Feasibility analysis, Sizing, Storage System selection, Load unit selection, Material Handling equipment planning, Layout planning, Resource calculation, Process recommendations, Investment, and ROI Estimation and justification.

Stellium Edge
We combine the power of deep functional & industry expertise, analytics & optimization sciences, process engineering and advanced technologies to deliver inventive solutions. We are a specialized firm focused on helping our clients achieve sustainable results by improving Value Chain and minimizing decision latency across the organization.


500+ years of combined
expertise across industries.

100+ employees worldwide focused
on the success of your business.

Proven solutions that drive
growth and increase cost-effectiveness.

Best-of-breed platforms that
implement customized business solutions.